ECO Alliance (Malta) member of the Fortress Alliance Group and was created through a consortium of partner companies for their expertise in waste management. It started operating in October 1992 and succeeded in giving the industrial, hospitality and trade waste producers, alternative and more modern and cost-effective services for the management of wastes. Eco Alliance operated in Doha under the name of ECOServ & United Medical Waste for more than 8 years with impeccable services and hands-on management soon earned the custom and respect of the top industries in Qatar. The directors of the company are regular participants and contributors at
Keeping it Green
ECO Alliance (Malta) member of the Fortress Alliance Group and was created through a consortium of partner companies for their expertise in waste management. It started operating in October 1992 and succeeded in giving the industrial, hospitality and trade waste producers, alternative and more mo...
ECO Alliance (Malta) member of the Fortress Alliance Group and was created through a consortium of partner companies for their expertise in waste management. It started operating in October 1992 and succeeded in giving the industrial, hospitality and trade waste producers, alternative and more mo...
ECO Alliance (Malta) member of the Fortress Alliance Group and was created through a consortium of partner companies for their expertise in waste management. It started operating in October 1992 and succeeded in giving the industrial, hospitality and trade waste producers, alternative and more mo...

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